Bluetit Diary    Apr 2003 (14)



Sunday 13th April, 2003

Well, rain was forecast, but the day here was warm and sunny!  Our birds took full advantage and continued their nest building activities.  Today's pictures are of Fantail and Fred.

First some wool   ..   ..   ..   ..   ..   and then a large beakful of hay.

Fantail lands on top of Fred again - and then a long piece of hay.

This may be the piece that causes problems later!  Now for a couple of nesting wriggles.

The second picture shows a rather good wing display.  Fluffy would be jealous!

You can see next why we called her Fantail.  

Fantail held this pose for nearly 1½ minutes, just moving her head from time to time.  Was she expecting a visit, or rehearsing sitting on her eggs?