Bluetit Diary    May 2004 (27)



Monday 24th May, 2004

It's Barney who is first to the nest this morning.  Fluffy comes a few minutes later.  We reckon she has earned a lie in!

We arranged for recording to start at 5.30am this morning in case the chicks flew before we were up.  

To begin with, we couldn't understand what was happening here.  Was this Fluffy brooding them having sneaked in early?  But no, it's only one of the chicks having a stretch!

There are often four chicks out of the nest cup, flapping and preening.  The other three seemed much less adventurous and stayed huddled down in the nest cup - sometimes completely under its lip and so almost invisible to the camera.

Another bout of flapping.  It's a wonder they don't take off!

It's midday and even the chicks seem bored and sleepy.

Barney arrives with food and has difficulty in getting more that a perfunctory response!

Fluffy comes to the entrance but she doesn't go in.  Is she trying to encourage them to leave the nest?

One of the chicks spends some time looking out of the hole, but in the end its courage fails it and it runs back to the safely of the nest cup.

Now Fluffy has started feeding the chicks from the nest hole.  More encouragement perhaps?

Clearly, the chicks aren't going to fly today.

Will their big day be tomorrow?