Bluetit Diary    Apr 2005 (2)



Friday 1st April (part2)

Now that Boris is no longer hanging around the place, Kelly can get on with the job of nest building.  It is still only about 10 o'clock in the morning.

Here she is with another beakful of moss.

I don't know for sure what this is.  It looks like some fine pieces of hay.

More moss.

Nest building is a long hard slog.  She has been at it all morning and it is now about a quarter past eleven and she still doesn't seem to have made all that much progress.

However, she keeps this up most of the day and as you can see from the picture below, eventually it shows!

By a quarter to six, this is where she had got to - and she is still coming in with more!

She came into the box for the last time at about half past seven and we wondered if she would roost in the box for the first time - but no, not yet.

A few seconds later she left the box for the night.