Bluetit Diary    Apr 2006 (5)



Saturday 8th April (part2)

Sam has suddenly realised that Claire needs a bit of encouragement.  Here he arrives with what looks like an insect of some sort.

Is he having second thoughts?  He seems strangely reluctant to hand it over!

But finally, he relents and passes the insect to Claire.

They stay, beaks more or less touching, for a few seconds in what seems to be quite a tender moment ...

... before Sam suddenly decides it is time to go!

A couple of minutes later, Claire again behaves as though there is something going on outside.

All is revealed - the bluetit is back!  But this time he doesn't go onto the entrance hole and he soon flies off.

Now, if you can remember after all this excitement(!) Claire has been inside the box since before 10 o'clock - and that's over half an hour ago. 

She suddenly, with no obvious warning, decided she had better get on with building the nest and shoots out.

She is back soon enough with quite a beakful.  Sometimes she tries to bring so much that she cannot easily get it into the box.

This time she manages it without too much of a struggle.

Nest building continues on and off all day - probably more off than on though so there is still qite a lot of work to do.


This is the state of the nest box by the end of the day!