Bluetit Diary    Jun 2009 (3)



Thursday 4th June, 2009

Will today be the day that the chicks fledge?

Today starts like many others with Fay bringing food to her two chicks.

The cameras switch on just before 6 o'clock and this picture was taken  at 5.55am.


We haven't seen the woodpecker for several days now.  Let's hope he doesn't pay a visit when one of the chicks is right under the hole like this one is!

Now they are both at it.

Who on earth is this?

All during Fay's occupancy of this box, we have had the odd visit from a male bluetit with strangely patterned face feathers.  Fay's original partner, Bill, looked like this but this bird has this problem in spades!

A few seconds later when he turns to the right shows him in a much better light.  Perhaps this is Bill after all.

Why on earth did they fall out?

By 7 o'clock we had given up hope of the chicks fledging today.

Fay is continuing to feed them with mealworms, but they seem totally uninterested!

So much so that Fay ends up by taking the mealworm out again!

At a quarter past seven the chicks seem to be settling down for the night.

Rather early perhaps but so far they have shown absolutely no interest in the world outside the box.

At half past seven they look very sleepy.  So much so that we went off to eat our evening meal assuming that they wouldn't leave the box until tomorrow.

We didn't discover what actually happened later that evening until much later.

At 7.40, Fay came in with food again.  The food is not a mealworm this time but is something much smaller.  It actually gets taken too!

She then decides to give the nest cup a clean.  Fay is the bird on the bottom right of this picture and looks smaller than the chicks because she is low down in the nest cup.

This seems to wake the chicks up again.

At 7.45 the chicks are still quite perky and are spending the time preening.

However, at shortly before 8 o'clock, they seems to be settling down for the night again.