Bluetit Diary    Jun 2010 (3)



Thursday 3rd June, 2010

Surely Donna's chicks must fledge today!

Donna's day starts early!  The time is five minutes to six and she has probably been on the go since first light. 

Perhaps she is giving them a pep talk?

It doesn't seem to have had much effect - these chicks hardly look like a dynamic trio!

Aha!  Perhaps I was too hasty in my judgement.  One of the chicks is exercising its wings at full throttle.  It's a wonder sometimes that it doesn't leave the floor!

However, the other two chicks don't look very impressed.

Now it's time for a preen ...

... and for a look outside.  Perhaps they are thinking of fledging after all?

Before anything has happened, Mum comes in for another visit.

Nearly two hours have passed with nothing much happening.  Then one of the chicks jumps up to the hole and has another look outside.

After a short while it came back into the nest box again.

It's now a quarter past eight and Elizabeth has been out topping up the mealworm feeders.  Almost immediately, Donna collects one for her chicks.

It's now mid morning and again one of the chicks jumps up for a look outside.  The other two seem to think that this is nothing to do with them and totally ignore what the first chick is up to.

Here you can see the same thing from the outside.

Three quarters of an hour later, it has another look.

Again, though, leaving the nest box is just to much to contemplate ...

... and after a short while the chick drops back into the nest box looking rather sheepish!

A few seconds later it is back for another look.  But no - it's just to difficult to contemplate.

Two and a half hours later all three chicks are still in the nest box.  Here Donna is doing the housework again.

Nothing happens all afternoon and here the chicks look as though they will be here for ever!  They certainly don't look as though they will fledge today after all.

Here it's a quarter to seven and they seem to be settling down for the night.

At just after eight, Donna comes for a final visit.

It is now 5 to nine and all three chicks are still in the nest box.  (In case you can only see two, the top two are sitting on the third one whose head and beak can just be seen at the top of the picture.)

Will these chicks ever fledge?