Bluetit Diary    Dec 2010 (3)



Saturday 25th December 2010

I know that this is supposed to be the season of goodwill, but today two bluetits celebrated Christmas Day by having a right royal battle on the floor of Box3!

Looking at the record it is sometimes difficult to tell the two birds apart, but one appears to be the current 'owner' of the Box, and I shall call him Harold or Harry, and the other an invader whom I shall call William or Will.  All parallels with the Battle of Hastings are accidental!

During the morning there was much coming and going, probably by both birds though I do not believe that Will actually entered the box.  Here is Harry posing to have his photograph taken.

Here is Harry going into the box just before 12:20.

A few seconds later Will lands on the entrance hole, Harry by this time being inside.

For the next 30 to 40 seconds the two birds fight at the entrance hole.  Here is Harry inside ...

... and here is Will outside.  He does not seem to be getting very far at the moment.

Harry appears to be holding his ground ...

... and Will to be losing interest.  It looks as though Harry has got hold of one of Will's claws and won't let go.

Until finally he does and Will drops off the nest box.

It is here that Harry makes a tactical mistake.  As Will has disappeared, he must feel he has won and he too leaves his position guarding the entrance, and moves to the shelf - perhaps to recover his composure.

However, 10 seconds later Will is back on the entrance again.

This doesn't seem to result in any reaction from Harry, except perhaps to fluff out his tail a bit more.

So Will starts to go into the box.

Again, there is no apparent reaction from Harry.

Even when Will lands on the floor of the box, Harry appears to ignore him.

Will wasn't having this.  He grabs one of Harry's tail feathers in his beak and tries to pull it out!

This appears to have been taken as Harry was pulled off the shelf.

As a result of Will's actions, both birds end up on the floor with Will at the top of the picture and Harry with his back towards him lower down.  It looks as though Will still has one of Harry's feathers in his beak!

Somehow Harry manages to get free and turn to face Will on the floor of the nest box.  The two birds lock claws and the real fight starts.