Bluetit Diary    Feb 2011 (11)



Saturday 26th February, 2011 (cont)

So now we have three birds at war in this nest box.

I hope they know which side each of them is fighting for!

This is getting complicated.

It's difficult to see where one bird ends and another begins.

Suddenly, one of the birds has had enough.  Which of the three is leaving is impossible for me to tell.

It doesn't look back but just escapes as quickly as possible ...

... and leaves the box completely.

Another ten seconds have passed and the remaining two birds are still carrying on with their fight.

My guess is that the bird that has left is the one that joined the fray last.  The two birds remaining look like the original female (lying in the corner) and a male (with his back to us).  The female seems to be getting the worse of it.

But she doesn't give in!

The female at the top of the box, the male below her.

They seemed to be locked in this position for several seconds.

That looks like the male on the right.

I think one of them has had enough.

Is it the male departing?


The victor comes to the hole to look outside.  Has he gone then?

Twenty seconds later the victor is still in the box.

After another 20 seconds, she looks outside again.

She finally leaves a minute and a quarter after this the fight finished.

Is that it then?  Did the female really win the fight?  Or is this just one skirmish in what will be a long drawn out war?