Bluetit Diary    May 2011 (17)



Saturday 21st May, 2011 (cont)

There is only one chick left in the box now.

This poor little chick is all alone for the first time in its life.

It tries to hide, but there is no other chick for it to hide under.

Forty minutes have passed and neither parent has come to see what this last chick is up to.  It has spent all this time on the corner, twisting and turning and trying to find something to cuddle up to.

At last it seems to realise that it has no alternative - it must follow the others through that hole.

It starts, as they all seem to, by looking intently at the hole.

Then it flies up to look out.  How it manages to make sense of what it sees when it has seen nothing but the sides of the box before, I've no idea!

It must be terrified!  So much so that it loses control and poos ...

... leans right out ...

... and flies away!

(You can just see its tail on the left of the picture.)

Now the box is empty and silent for the first time in weeks.

Interestingly, although neither parent visited the last chick when it was by itself in the box, half an hour later, both parents came to the box.

An hour after the last chick fledged, Joy actually went into the box ...

... and conscious of the need to keep the nest box clean, she picks up the final poo ...

... and flies out with it!  That's dedication for you - and that's why the nest doesn't degenerate into a mess of the chicks' droppings!  Twenty days of ten chicks living in such a confined space ...

... and the nest is still perfectly clean after they have all gone!

Now for the other two nest boxes!