Bluetit Diary    Apr 2016 (15)



Tuesday 26th April, 2016 (part2)

Soon the bird outside moved to the hole so that it could see inside the box, but it still doesn't join in the fight!

These bluetits look pretty fierce when they are in earnest.

Remember we have already had one fight over this box - back on 6th March.  You can see that fight on YouTube at

The bluetit that was originally by itself inside the box is the one that appears to be getting the worst of it and is on its back.  But perhaps appearances are deceptive?

They are still at it!

Surely the bird on top is winning this fight?

The defender hasn't appeared to change its position since the fight started.

But suddenly, the attacker breaks off the fight and flies out of the box leaving the defender still on its back in the middle of the floor of the box.

The departing attacker startles the other bird watching from the exit hole . . .

. . . and flies away at high speed.

The bird inside has hardly moved since the attacker flew off, but clearly thinks there is still a threat outside.

Well, there is the timid third bird there.

I am totally confused as to which birds are the nest owners and which are the invaders!  I wonder whether this bird is also confused?

Anyway, pretty soon it decides to go.  Fight over!

You can see this fight on YouTube at