Bluetit Diary    Jun 2016 (4)



Saturday 4th June, 2016

We'll start with Box1 where the chicks are hatching out.

Here you can see at least 5 chicks . . .

. . . as well as two eggs!

It is now mid afternoon, and Poppy now has six chicks . . .

. . . and one egg.  I wonder whether this last egg will ever hatch.
Still, it hardly matters if Patch doesn't turn up!

Here in Box2 we clearly missed a trick.  Two chicks have fledged before we switched on!  Still, it could have been worse - they could have all gone!

Three chicks to go!

Is chick number 4 about to go?

This chick has an even stumpier tail than the last one we saw!

There is goes!

(Chick 4)

Chick number 5 looks out.

The last chick to be left in the box doesn't want to know what is happening (as usual!)

And an egg has resurfaced!

Off it goes!

(Chick 5)

Finally, 20 minutes later the last chick has decided to take a look out just as Mum comes with some food.

So she feeds it while it is in the hole!

Very shortly after the last chick launches itself into space.  This is the last picture we caught of this brood.

(Get those wings going - that's what they are there for!)

(Chick 6)

Shortly after, one of the hens comes in with some food - just in case.

So it's all over for Box2 for another year.  Only six chicks fledging from about 18 eggs is somewhat disappointing, but I suppose it could have been worse.

I wonder where all the other eggs went to?  Perhaps I will find more when I come to clean the box out in the autumn.