Bluetit Diary    Mar 2020 (5)



Tuesday 10th March, 2020

Box2 is way behind Box1. This may change though as clearly some nesting material has been brought into the box.

The stuff that Daisy is collecting is not the conventional moss. It looks more like hay, or dried grass.

A nesting wriggle.

This looks like Drake keeping an eye out for Daisy.

Drake is now crouching down - sensibly trying to keep out of the way when his partner, Daisy, comes into the box.

In comes Daisy.

They are both in the box for about half a second ...

... and then out goes Drake, leaving Daisy in charge.

Again, this looks as though Drake is waiting for Daisy to come inside the box.

As usual, he crouches down ...

In comes Daisy ...

... and out goes Drake.

So there hasn't been much progress in Box2 today, in spite of all that toing and froing!

In Box1, though, things look better than they were. Overall, there has been more in than out today.