Lucy is still coming to Sooty's nest box to remove some of the nesting material
Lucy is still coming to Sooty's nest box to remove some of the nesting material
Still, it could be a lot worse. She doesn't seem interested in the eggs at all.
She's not got much stuff here.
That's a more reasonable sized beakful - if you are a bluetit of course!
Sixteen minutes later she is back for more.
And again nearly half an hour later.
Nine eggs! When will Sooty stop? At least Lucy is leaving the eggs alone.
But what will Lucy do when Sooty starts to incubate?
It's 7:20pm and at the end of another day, Sooty snuggles down in the nest cup for the night.
Sooty has been sitting on the eggs for most of the afternoon. I wonder whether she has started to incubate them? If so she may have laid her last egg - or more probably, she will lay one more tomorrow, making a total of 10 eggs, and then stop. In either event, a good clutch!