Bluetit Diary    Apr 2003 (18)



Tuesday 15th April, 2003

This posting is very late because of computer problems - a motherboard replacement that went wrong.  I do aim to update the diary sometime within the next 24 hours if I possibly can!

Today was a warm sunny day - more than enough, you would think, to encourage our birds to get on with their nest building.

A couple of years ago, Elizabeth sacrificed an old cushion and spread some of its feathers around the garden.  She has brought the cushion out of hiding again this year to do the same thing and it is pretty clear that Fluffy has discovered some of the feathers.

You can see some of the curly white feathers from the cushion here.  Fluffy celebrates with another wriggle.

In the next picture, we can tell it is Flash in the box, not just because he is neat and tidy but because Fluffy comes in shortly and chases him out.

This is Flash checking on progress.

"But he has his uses!", says Fluffy!

But thank goodness he doesn't hang about long.

"Another feather for my chicks!"

Fluffy seems to spend most nights roosting in the box, but up at the top where you can't see her.  The only way we can tell she is there is to listen to her noises as she winds down for the day.  We hope she is not pecking at anything important!

This is Fluffy on her way to the attic.

And this is the view of her nest at the end of another long day.