Bluetit Diary    May 2003 (3)



Thursday 1st May, 2003 (part 3)

We try to follow Fantail and Fred in the morning and then Fluffy and Flash in the afternoon.  This is because the positioning of Box2 is such that any morning sunshine makes the taking of good pictures difficult as the sun shines right into the box causing great dazzling patches of light.  By midday, the sun has moved round sufficiently for this no longer to be a problem.

So how has Fluffy been getting on?

Fluffy, head down, waiting for time to pass - and Flash doing his duty by feeding her.

A nice stretch . . .

. . . and more food!

Bluetit females constantly burrow down to the bottom of their nests.  We can only presume that this is how they manage to keep the nests comparatively pest free.

Australia here I come!

This must be Flash coming to the box.

Before the male enters the nest with the female inside, we often hear him calling - presumably to let her know it's a friend coming rather than a foreign bird.  

More food for mum.

"We're not doing too badly are we?"

Some more eggs would be welcome.  We can't believe that both our females will stop at five each!

More mealworms put in the feeder caused Fred to get hyperactive, yet again bringing more food for Fantail than she could cope with.  She may be a bit uncooperative now but she'll welcome this attention later!  (We haven't put the pictures up as they are more or less the same as those posted earlier, with Fantail ending the sequence by leaving the nest to dump one mealworm too many brought by Fred!)