Bluetit Diary    Apr 2004 (32)



Thursday 22nd April, 2004

Fluffy has laid a seventh egg!

We've shown this image because it looks quite nice but there is no doubt - there are seven eggs.  That's one each day since she started laying.

This is a bluetit stranger that has been looking at Box1.  It's clearly not Neptune because it does not have a forked tail.  Having watched it for over a minute it is not behaving as Fantail would behave either - it's far to tentative and uncertain in its movements.

Suddenly, it realises that someone (another bluetit) is coming.  The stranger leaves the hole and flies to the top of the box.

Here come the troops!

The stranger is now on the roof and one of our two is flying to investigate.

As a result, the stranger flies off and Fantail (it looks like her) turns in hot pursuit.

Let's hope it doesn't come back in a hurry!