Bluetit Diary    May 2004 (10)



Sunday 9th May, 2004

For a bluetit mum, the day starts very early!

This is the first image picked up by our outside camera.  It is 5.34am and here you can see Fluffy leaving the nest with a faecal sac.  When a chick's got to go ... !

Another nice shot of Fluffy coming into land!

This is the start of what we think is an amusing sequence.

Fluffy is sitting on the chicks, keeping them warm.  It is 6.20pm and it's been a long day for everyone.

Barney comes in with a little green grub.  Fluffy wants him to give to her but Barney wants to feed the chicks himself.  He crowds her but she does not budge!

Suddenly, Barney decides he's had enough.  He turns with the grub still in his beak and leaves the nest.

That's it - she can feed them herself!

Two seconds later he is back at the nest box entrance.  Directly he left, Fluffy got off the nest and went to the hole herself.  They meet there - and of course Barney passes the grub to Fluffy.

She takes it and turns back to the chicks with the grub in her beak.

As she feeds them, Barney comes in to watch.

They are all friends again as Fluffy feeds the chicks watched by their dad.

Twelve seconds later, they are both off to get more food.

We counted the number of feeding trips during the hour from 6.15am today.  It came to 51 - that's between 7 and 8 grubs per chick in that time!

No wonder the chicks grow so fast!