Bluetit Diary    May 2004 (21)



Wednesday 19th May, 2004 (2)

The chicks are no longer bound to the nest cup.  At one stage we noticed three chicks in a heap outside the cup, although there are just two here.

They are clearly quite at ease there and appear to be taking a nap.

When food arrives, it suddenly becomes an entirely different story.  Here you can clearly see all seven chicks clamouring for food.  Fluffy appears to be ignoring the two in the corner as any sensible mother would.  She doesn't want to encourage the chicks to stay long in a place that is within reach of a woodpecker!

After she goes, all the chicks settle down again.  Some stretch and extend their wings as they do.

You can see how much their wings have developed.  Soon they will be flying!  

The chicks are just starting to flap their wing in a purposeful way.

Here is an even bigger wing flap!

Whenever food appears, however, everything else is forgotten.  By the time they are about to fledge, the chicks will look so fierce, a parent must feel like Daniel entering the lions' den whenever it  brings food to the chicks.

Almost a perfect ring of seven chicks all facing outwards.