Bluetit Diary    Apr 2005 (39)



Wednesday 27th April, 2005

It looks as though Babe has moved from egg laying to incubation.  Kelly continues with this exciting task - I hope the sitting birds get greater satisfaction from sitting on eggs that we do from watching them.  I expect so or they would have stopped millions of years ago!

The first images we get today are of Ferdinand bringing some food for Babe.

But Babe, how many eggs do you have this morning?

Ferdinand doesn't even seem to come fully into the nest box to feed Babe.

But he has to afterwards so that he can turn round to get out again!

The secret of the egg count is revealed.  Still only five!  Or is that a sixth in the top left corner of the nest cup?

Whatever the number, I think Babe has started incubating - and so does Ferdinand who is keeping up a regular shuttle service bringing food to Babe.

Again - and as you can see, it's still only 7.21am!

"Come on Babe - you can reach me!"

Ferdinand really has got this feeding thing down to a fine art - he's clearly a fast learner - and it's still only 7.30am!

One more time!

Well, if there was any doubt before, there's none now - Babe still has only five eggs.  Has she stopped for good, or did she just miss one day?  We won't know that until tomorrow.

It's now half past nine and Ferdinand is still bringing in the snacks.  He's got Babe well trained so that he always seems to be able to feed her without going into the box.  However, he can't get out again from that position without coming in so that he can turn around - which seems to me to rather nullify the benefits of feeding from the entrance hole!

Ferdinand is not the only loyal mate!  Boris is still doing his bit for Kelly who must soon be coming to the end of incubation.  We guess that hatching will start next Tuesday - it normally takes about 12 days - although the book says it can take up to 16 days!

We said we thought she started on 21st April so that means the 12 days are up on Tuesday, 3rd May.  Then the excitement really begins!!