Bluetit Diary    May 2005 (16)



Thursday 19th May (part2)

Another post today as we have just seen a first for this year - one of Kelly's chicks has been doing his wing exercises!

This is always a notable event - the chicks are getting ready to leave the nest.  During the last few days they spend a lot of time flapping their wings - the only way they can get the muscles fit enough.

This is the first wing flap we have recorded!

As well as actually being larger, the parent birds look larger because they are nearer the camera.  This is due to the effect of the wide angle lens in the camera at the top of the box.

Here you see one of the chicks coming right out of the nest cup to demand  food - as it gets nearer the camera so it seems even bigger than the other chicks.

This chick appears to be the boss chick.  There is often one whose development is ahead of the others.  It is interesting to see how much the chicks' personality differs from one bird to the next.  I don't believe I am getting anthropomorphic to talk about personality.  Some chicks are confident and aggressive, some are quieter and others are rather timid.  It is the timid chicks who are the last to leave the nest and only appear to go because everyone else has!

These chicks are becoming the bluetit equivalent of teenagers!

The boss looks as though he is trying to swallow Kelly as well as the food she brings!

Another wing flapping session!