Bluetit Diary    Jan 2007 (10)



Monday 15th January, 2007

Another first today!  A bluetit has gone inside the our new box!  However, before showing you the pictures of that, first a bit more about Box1

The bluetit that hangs about Box1 is very persistent but rather timid.  But perhaps most bluetits would be timid when challenged by a great tit!

Here he is back again looking to see whether the box is occupied.

Apparently it isn't so he pops down to the nest box hole.

I keep on thinking he's going inside, but at the last minute he appears to bottle out.

He looks around -  to see if there are any great tits near perhaps?

Right - surely he's going in this time!

After three or four attempts to pluck up the necessary courage, he finally decides to try again later and flies off!