Bluetit Diary    Mar 2007 (9)



Monday 12th March, 2007

Fay is driving us to despair.  She seems to spend all her time either bringing nesting material into the nest box, only to take it out again, or as in today's case, bringing it in, but then refusing to let go of it.  Consequently, the rate of her nest building appears to be close to zero!

I suppose we should be grateful that she is showing some signs of nesting activity - unlike Abby in BBB who has yet to bring a thing into her nest box.

Is she looking for guidance from the heavens?  If so, it seems to be unforthcoming!

She still has the same piece of moss in her beak half a minute later.

At last!  A sign we do recognise as a precursor to nest building - a nesting wriggle!

Again, she has some moss in her beak - but she doesn't seem to have deposited any of it yet.  Why doesn't she just drop it and go to fetch some more?  After all - our lawn is full of the stuff!


This must be one of the longest non-nesting sequence on record!

A minute and a quarter later - still with little progress to show for her efforts.

She is still clinging on ...

... and on ...

... and on ... Will she ever let go?

Over an hour has now passed - and how much progress has she made?