Bluetit Diary    Nov 2007 (6)



Thursday 22nd November, 2007

Pesky squirrels!

This shows the external camera for Box1.  (Click on the picture for a bigger version.)  The camera cable, carrying power and the video signal, is wound around the camera support as you can see.  At least it used to be!

A couple of days ago we found that this camera wouldn't produce any pictures.  Initially, I assumed that one of the connections had failed, but checking them all didn't shift the blue screen.  I eventually tracked the fault down to the fact that overnight a squirrel had chewed its way through this black cable where it passes over the wooden support, thereby cutting off the power to the camera and the video signal too.  Of course, you couldn't see it from ground level!

I presume it was a squirrel - I suppose it could have been a rat.  Do rats climb trees?  Anyway, whatever it was, we had a problem.

Although until now we had not had a problem since the camera was first installed a year ago, I have decided that this part of the cable was too inviting to be left unprotected and must be put into a conduit.  Fortunately, we have a pond place just near us which sold a flexible conduit for use in ponds and this could be bought in small quantities, was tough and was waterproof - just the job in fact.

Now the cable, which could be repaired fairly easily by cutting out the damaged section and soldering the two pieces together again, runs inside a black pipe of 25mm diameter.  The next time we have a sunny day I'll try to take another photo to show you how it looks now.