This is Keith, Scruffy's partner.
This is Keith, Scruffy's partner.
"Is she coming in?"
In comes Scruffy and of course, out goes Keith.
This is Keith again an hour later, and this time he is not so welcoming ...
... and that's because the bird that is thinking of going into the box is not Scruffy!
Twelve minutes later Keith is back in the nest box.
And again, 3 hours later. He usually seems to be expecting Scruffy to follow him, but no joy!
It's now 1:15pm and Scruffy has actually brought some stuff into the box.
Although there is clearly more nesting material in the box than there was first thing, it doesn't seem to be filling very quickly.
Half an hour later, the box looks emptier! However, it is probably because she is standing over the main clump of nesting material.
Ten minutes later, Keith is back.
This picture of Scruffy was taken later in the afternoon.
Over in Box2, There is still no nesting material. It doesn't look as though this bird is bringing any in either.
Hold on a minute - this bird looks like Scruffy. What's she doing here? Box1 is her box!
Perhaps it is just another scruffy looking bird - it doesn't look quite as bad as Scruffy. Ah well, it will be sorted out eventually!