Bluetit Diary    Apr 2004 (16)



Monday 12th April, 2004 (part2)

We have noticed a great tit taking an interest in this nest box a couple of times before.  Here it is again.


This time he/she takes a little while to inspect what it obviously knows is a most desirable residence!

The great tit is apparently inspecting what is inside the box.  In these circumstances, the fact that our bluetits are used to the light must be an advantage.  It must seem strange, and a bit off putting, to a bird looking at the box for the first time.

Shortly after, the great tit flew off.  Neither Barney nor Fluffy were anywhere to be seen and did not reappear for another 10 minutes.

The great tit looks an elegant bird with clearly marked edges to its wings.  I think it would be rather nice to have a great tit's nest one year!