Bluetit Diary    Apr 2004 (26)



Sunday 18th April, 2004 (part2)

Fantail still continues to baffle us.  She appears to be very busy with her nest but it never looks any nearer being finished!


She's still bringing stuff into the nest - but is she taking it out again?  At the moment, our camcorder is showing the outside of Fantail's nest box but it is too far away to see whether she is removing stuff too.

That may all change tomorrow when we try out an experimental video camera using our 'scope!

This is the state of Fantail's box at the end of the day.  I think you will find it difficult to say anything material has changed!  There is a bit more hay perhaps, but the bottom of the box still shows as clearly as it did first thing this morning!


A bit later (at 7.23pm) Fantail comes into the nest.  This is much later than normal and we are wondering whether she is thinking of roosting.

We decide to turn out her light early too in the hope of making roosting more likely.

One last peep into her box too shows that Fantail is roosting in her nest box for the first time!