Bluetit Diary    Apr 2004 (27)



Monday 19th April, 2004

This is probably the best picture of Fluffy's eggs taken today.  She is getting very good at hiding them under the mass of feathers and fluff that she has accumulated in her nest.

And how many eggs are there?  Well, I think it is four but I wouldn't swear to it!

Fantail has been receiving a lot of tender loving care from Neptune today.  He came to the nest to feed her about a dozen times - it's almost as though he thinks Fantail is already sitting on some eggs!

This, at 11.41, was the first visit we caught, and was the start of several visits during the day.

Here Neptune brings a fairly large white item of food.  We think it is probably a flake of the porridge oats that have been left out for the blackbirds and thrushes.

Fantail takes it from him and Neptune leaves.  But then so does Fluffy with the white thing in her beak!  

Whether she thinks it's not the right food for an expectant mum or she just likes eating outside we cannot tell!

None of that seems to worry Neptune.  Within 5 minutes he's back with some more food.