Bluetit Diary    Apr 2005 (24)



Wednesday 13th April, 2005

This page is a bit of a cheat.  It was written out of sequence after we had found two eggs in Kelly's nest on Thursday 14th.  But here goes anyway!

We think Kelly has laid her first egg!  This is the best picture we can find of it and I have added a red arrow to help you locate it!

One of the reasons to suspect that she has laid an egg is that she indulges in recognisable post egg laying activities, so beloved of bluetits (and other birds I am sure - we'll see about a great tit later I hope!)

As well as this manoeuvre, she keeps going in and out of the nest box and messing around generally in the nest cup.

In this shot you can see quite clearly that Kelly is saying something.

This shot, taken at the same time, shows who she is talking to - Boris!

Boris departs! ...  

... and Kelly goes back to nest tending!

Some time has now passed and Boris has come in search of Kelly.

"I hope she's looking after my egg!"

Kelly returns very soon and so Boris leaves in time honoured fashion.

An hour later Boris is back again.  

"Where is she?"

Again, she's back in the nest very soon!

This is a dead giveaway - when bluetit females have eggs they spend large amounts of time delving down to the bottom of the nest cup, presumably to remove dirt and parasites etc.

I'm sure you will see lots more of this behaviour later!

The proud mum settles down for the night.