Bluetit Diary    Apr 2007 (6)



Friday 6th April (part2)

Fay is not the only one to be getting the treatment.  Here is Angus coming in with something in his beak - and it's not nesting material!

Here he is passing the food to Abby.

And again - she can't have got it all the first time!

The same shot from a different angle.

Fay (in Box2) has always been a bit of a flighty bird.  This warm weather has sent her into hyper drive.   She seems to be perpetually taking nesting material into the nest box, taking it out again, doing a nesting wriggle (as can be seen here) or just carrying the same item in and out of the box repeatedly.

Today, the favoured material is green moss!

Even Greta, who by comparison with the bluetits, seems sluggish and slow moving, seems to have got caught up in the general excitement.  This looks like a rather ponderous nesting wriggle.

And here she seems to have decided that some of the white fluffy stuff she has found would make a useful addition to her nest.

But when will she start laying eggs?  And where is Gustaf?

Come on Greta, what are you waiting for?